Beatrice Fihn
Beatrice Fihn has worked with disarmament issues and multilateral negotiations since 2006. She is currently the Executive Director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), a coalition consisting of over 450 NGOs in 100 countries working to prohibit nuclear weapons. ICAN is the leading civil society actor in the ongoing negotiations at the United Nations of a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons, where the campaign works on national and international advocacy to ensure a strong treaty text and wide participation of as many governments as possible.
Beatrice has published articles and opinion pieces in the Guardian, Survival, Huffington Post and many other places. Previously, Beatrice managed the disarmament programme at the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and worked for the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. She has a degree in international relations from Stockholm University and a masters of law from University of London.
Fun fact: Beatrice once started a competition with a colleague about who could get away with adding the most Beyonce quotes in a speech delivered at the United Nations. Beatrice won.